miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Food, a pleasure or a necessity?

well, food is something that I enjoy so much!, however there are foods that I like more that other t.For example I like "las empanadas"(all kind),noodles,rice,and anymore that in this moment I can not remember.But also, like I previously said there are foods , that I preferer more than others, for example, steak, this I like too much, with some salads.Also I like seafoods, very tasty.
However the food most tasty that I have eaten , it's a tipical food from Hawai is named ophiu, a small mollusk that can be yellow, red or black.This is a seafood only of this place.I said it when a I went to honululu, Hawai, one year ago more less.
This food is the Hawaiian version of "ceviche", but much more tasty.I can be made with any fish, but in the island is made with tuna marinated in vinegar, tomato, onion and soy sauce. Lamentably in Santiago , there are no places for eating it because it is a seafood from Hawai.I don't feel guilty for eating it, not at all, even I enjoy it!
But also there are other food that I should eat, like milk,cereals, carbohydrates, although I eat it.
these are very important because have nutrients necessary for body.But also there are bad foods like burgers, chips and more though these are very tasty.

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

what's the meaning of being midwife??

The midwife has traditionally been the companion of women in the task to bring children into the world.She is who has the knowledge to supporting and assisting the medical care of pregnant women in the last period
gestation, increasing her work during the pre and delivery, where she is practically indispensable.

http://www.google.cl/images/cleardot.gifThe midwife is part of the medical team is usually next to the pregnant since the beginning of labor until after birth. Even in some cases their support extends from the first weeks of gestation untill the last postpasturm controls.

She also has the skills to assist normal deliveries, care for mother and newborn after giving birth, and seeing that everything runs smoothly. The midwife is able to control the process of expansion, contraction and fetal monitoring, alerting of any abnormalities in the mother or child.

I don’t know the why I chose this career, I just knew that wanted to be in the healthy topic, whatever career, now I am not sorry for my choice, I now love my career, and I hope that it continues, each more time.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

The website that I visited is http://www.colegiodematronasdechile.cl/

This is the first time that I visit this, this site is about college of midwives, this website is related with my career, because it gives information about the last news in this sense.
This website has many sections, these are: national directory, regional councils, source and evolution of this college, union diary, professional practice, gender issues and publications about the college.
Also this website has more information about, midwife in the AUGE.
(AUGE is a healthy program in Chile).
This website is much updated, because it has information of the most recent in the health in Chile related with obstetric. For example, there is news related with a Chilean research, this research speaks about benefits of normal birth. Specifically says that about the eighty percent of woman have normal births, it means: no caesarean, get a best relationship with her baby.
Anyway, this website has a lot of information, and the best, this information is very updated…
As I previously said this is the first time that I visit this website, and I liked so much, it is very funny, so I could not response the questions about the why I like this website.
Well this is it.