miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

My Experience Learning English at the University

To think that the university is a place where students just come to learn about things only involved in those topics for which they enrolled to the university, all that it would be correct, but in the case of our university, the UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE, we would be in a mistake.
One of the thing that our university promotes, it is an integral student, who not just must develop skills in his area, but also in other areas, as sport, community activities, and much more thing. One of the skills expected for the university is that student can engage a talk with anyone. For this the university gives English class.

In my case, I’m almost finishing this subject, and I have to say that has been very rewarding. I just had learnt some of English in school, but not enough. This year of English I’ve learnt many things about English and everyday I feel that I know more and more about it.
Also I have to say other things not so good, because as all in life, there are good things and bad things. I think that the university should have a planning much more, for example in other levels there are people that don’t have a good basis, they don’t know much grammar and also they must learn things about medical areas without learning things basic of English, it is very difficult for them.

Other things bad, that I did not like, it was, the approach with which we learnt English, for example there were partners of different areas, one of medicine, others of midwives(as me),and another of physical therapy. The guides were very generals, and almost just focused to medicine and a little bit to obstetrics.

Despite all it was a big experience, which not just I learnt new thing about English, but also I met new people, which is very good, though to ones more than others, also I could meet a big teacher, whom I gave all acknowledgment.
It has been a great experience despite all…I’ll see you in any time, BYE!

viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

the tipical myth: we only use 10% of our brain

How many of us have heard that phrase several times on television or in everyday life? Another major current fallacies and enduring nearly a century.

It is totally false that we only use 10% of our brain. We use 100%, albeit not simultaneously. As happens to our muscles, we used brain regions depending on the activity we are doing. The greater complexity, greater use of the brain. Perhaps one of the reasons that the myth arose was that some people twisted the statement that use 10% of our brain in a conscious way, while 90% is unconscious (in charge of tasks such as controlling the heart rate , intestinal peristalsis, dilation or contraction of the pupils, etc). At the end, all that and was upset as the myth now.

If the claim were true 10%, with the least brain injury result in death, and that's not true. When there is an injury, and if it is small, the adjacent areas of the region altered attempt to compensate for loss of function through a slow process of neuronal plasticity. Also, if we used only 10% would be plants or be dead. No one can live with that percentage of brain activity.

The origin of this myth is very diffuse.But despite all investigations, no one knows for sure what was the triggering event. Among the various hypotheses that are believed to handle scientific findings emerged misunderstood or misinterpreted by people who did not understand the field and was subsequently broadcast. Some people say it came from Einstein who responded once during an interview that he only used 10% of his brain.

This is an example of what some call "Psycho" Done. " A belief that, although not supported by actual evidence, is taken as real because its constant repetition changes the way we experience life. The people who have more knowledge, know no more than repeat over and over again.

what's the meaning of having a work stress?

Stress is a biopsychosocial disorder that now affects the poblaciónmundial, which is immersed in a global society that demands and are increasingly demanding qualified and trained individuals to address and resolve each of the issues involving labor, social and emotional that submitted.

Occupational stress one of the most serious health problems currently affecting society in general, because not only hurts the workers to cause them physical or mental disability in the Development work activities, but also employers and governments, as many researchers studying this issue have noted the effects on the economy that causes stress.

Applying the concept of stress to the workplace, it can be set as a perceived imbalance between professional demands and the person's ability to carry them out, which is generated by a series of phenomena that occur in the body worker involvement of some stressors which may come to affect worker health.

Not all workers react the same way, so you can say that if the requirement presented in the paper is appropriate to the skills, knowledge and health status of a particular employee, the stress will tend to decrease and may have signosestimulantes, allowing you to make progress in the workplace and have greater projection in it.

The opposite of what was proposed earlier would result in debilitating stress worker skills and personal values, which lead him to states of frustration or apathy to the work done would prevent him from fully and achieve in the professional field.

"The effects of stress vary between individuals. The symptoms and even the effects of stress are different in different people." (Peiró, 1993, p.11)

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

What's the meaning of having a healthy lifestyle?

To venture into the theme of Healthy Lifestyles, can not be done through a list of individual and collective behaviors that define what to do or not do to live more or less years, regardless of how you live. It is necessary in the first instance, get into the concept of Quality of Life and a little further into this as a component of human development oriented to do, individually and collectively, to the satisfaction of human needs.

As I say recently, to venture into theme of healthy lifestyles, it is need to know that human being has needs, and therefore sometimes this one breaks his lifestyle, as when drinks alcohol, eats enough and then gets fat, and other thing more. Now the problem of actual human being is this: why his needs are drinking, eating; instead why these needs cannot be for example, running, eat well, etc? There is the real problem I think.

However as I say firstly, the human being is very complex, so to know how to have a healthy lifestyle, I just can recommend what I used to do, which I think is enough healthy, for example: eat well, do physical exercise at least three times per week.

Now using my imagination I think, that healthy people should use sport clothes, however not necessarily, but I say because I used to wear thus.

Anyway, I think that shape a person, to have a healthy lifestyle, it is unnecessary, because, each person knows and feels if what one is doing , it is good or bad, and if person thinks that has a healthy lifestyle, that’ good.
Therefore, in short, what for me is healthy, not necessarily is healthy to other people, you just have to feel good with yourself, that’s my council.

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

San Cristobal Hill

Really it is enough difficult to me saying a place I can get-away absolutely of rest of the world, because I try to think and I could not a place where I might rest, to hide me, and other things. However I think that I can have a place appropriate to do all those things said previously.
Firstly, it is need to say that I like too much sport. Specifically I enjoy enough of running, I can relax, and it is a time where I can think many things, some plans, things that I have done, and anymore.
But I think that my favorite place where I can totally this that I have said is in San Cristobal Hill.
Each morning on Saturday I get up about 8 o’clock and I go to San Cristobal hill to run. More than making exercises I do it because it is a place very quiet, very pacific, with many people running around me, and that works to me at least to help me to think so much better some things, but also it is a place where I can relax, specifically in top of the hill, and the virgin, the great virgin that looks to Santiago. There, in the top it is a place full of peace.
I try to go each Saturday, not just when I need to be alone; really it is a awesome place to be, to find oneself.

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

Music: A Eternal Partner

Every morning when I go to the university, before to go out of my house I catch my ipod and I tune my favourite music.Music is a elemental thing in my life, it is a necesity, it is a part of me.
Now what kind of music I like it?...mmm...I like a wide variety of music, for example: pop,a little of romantic,regaetton(so little), but my favourute kind of music is rock, specially 80's rock.
The music that I listen to,I get it from internet, with a software named ARES,it is a software so good, I download all the music that I like and then I listen to from my ipod,though sometimes I buy music in music shop, but only sometimes because in Chile,to buy originals things:as books or music even software,it is very expensive cause the high taxes,so for that reason people get those things through internet.
Well I like many bands of music as aerosmith, coldplay, the smiths,the rolling stones, the beatles, but whom I follow unconditionally is to Bon Jovi, even I am going to go to his concert in october,1st.I paid for the ticket $81000, because I really like his songs,Jon Bon Jovi has all kind of music, he is , from rock till the most romantic song.
Now I listen to different kind of music in some situations for example when I study I listen pop as coldplay, keane.When I am happy I listen rock , and when I am sad I listen romantic music.
As I said previously music is a partner , without music the world would be so boring..

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

The incredible art of writing a blog

This first semester I think that has happened very quickly, it is incredible and I have already written ten blogs, which is too much for me, because I do not like to write, I really prefer to read, or listening. However the writing has been sometimes very fun but another times I was too bored, because I think that had blogs which I did not what to write, so in this cases I was required to write, so that was very boring. For example there were a blogs very interesting, like things that I love to eat, or too my ideal job, I enjoyed very much of these, because those topics are very interesting and they have much to speak, or more precisely to write, because it is a blog, but also I like to speak about this.
Although there were classes very fun and other very boring, I learned a lot, for example I learned new words, I improve my vocabulary, also my pronunciation and many different other things.
Now I think that blogging in class, it is a mistake, because I think that could write in house or any other place, but not in class, in this sense I think this could be a complementary task, so thinking thus it would be a lost class, I think there are a lots of other things to do, but to improve our English.
So I suggest for second semester we could do blogging in any other place but not in class, and in class we could listen conversation in radio, also to promote English speaking, thus we could improve so much yet this language so used in the world.